Minoo Bashiri
Insurance Advisor, Life, Health & Wealth
Minoo Bashiri
Insurance Advisor, Life, Health & Wealth
Licensed for: Life, Health, Travel, Wealth, Retirement
Language: English, Persian
Appointment: In-person, Virtual
Store: Vancouver Downtown & Island
Phone: (236) 878-6877
About Me
What will happen to my family if...When I arrived in Canada in 2016, the first question I asked myself was, "What will happen to my family if something happens to me?" This concern stemmed from a deep understanding of loss, something I experienced at just 5 years old when I not only lost a parent but also the family's main source of income. Since then, I've been determined to help others avoid the same worry about financial security. It’s not about working hard; it’s about ensuring that no one feels alone when facing life's challenges. As a mom of a 9-year-old, I’ve planned and secured my family's future. Whether it's dealing with death, disability, or critical illnesses, I’ve even created an investment plan to support my child until he’s 23, ready to live independently.
My Experience
Do you think a small amount of money can't buy peace of mind? Many people believe that, and they might be right. But the benefits and security you can get, even with a small investment, can bring true peace of mind. With 18 years of experience in the financial field, both back home and here in Canada, I’ve worked with thousands of people to help them feel safe and secure through financial and insurance plans. I consider myself an expert advisor, offering different plans that can help you achieve the most valuable asset in the world: peace of mind.